Medical works in the ideas of finances and credit, according to the specification of the study thing, are characterized to be many-sided and many-leveled. and The meaning of totality of the economical relations shaped along the way of development, distribution and consumption of finances, as money resources is commonly spread. Like, in "the overall theory of finances" there are two descriptions of finances: and Finances reflect inexpensive relations, formation of the resources of money resources, along the way of circulation and redistribution.

Of national statements according to the circulation and usage" ;.That meaning is provided fairly to the conditions of Capitalism, when cash-commodity relations obtain universal identity; and Finances symbolize the forming of centralized offer decentralized income sources, economical relations relatively with the distribution and consumption, which offer for achievement of their state operates and obligations and also provision of the conditions of the widened more production" ;.This definition is produced without showing the environment of its action. Financial planning

We reveal partly such description of finances and think expedient to make some specification. and First, finances over come the bounds of distribution and redistribution service of the national money, although it is really a fundamental base of finances. Also, formation and use of the depreciation finance which will be the element of financial domain, belongs not to the distribution and redistribution of the national revenue (of just shaped value during a year), but to the distribution of currently produced value. and This newest first is apparently a.

Part of price of major commercial resources, later it is moved to the price value of a prepared product (that is to the value too) and after its realization, and it's set the depression fund. Its supply is taken into consideration before hand as a depression kind in the consistence of the ready services and products price price. and 2nd, absolute goal of finances is a lot bigger then "pleasure of their state operates and obligations and provision of problems for the widened more production" ;.Finances occur on their state stage and also on the produces and branches.